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How to split string in golang?

How to split string in golang?

String Splitting in Golang

String splitting involves dividing a given string into multiple substrings based on a specific delimiter. In Golang, this operation is made seamless with the help of the built-in strings package. This package offers a variety of functions to split strings, each catering to different requirements.

Let's explore some of the most commonly used methods:

Using the strings.Split Function

The strings.Split function is your go-to tool for splitting strings in Golang.

It takes two arguments: input string and delimiter. The function then returns a slice of substrings obtained by splitting the original string at occurrences of the delimiter.

    package main

    import (

    func main() {
        input := "apple,banana,grape,orange"
        delimiter := ","
        substrings := strings.Split(input, delimiter)
        for _, s := range substrings {

Splitting with strings.Fields for Whitespace Separation

Another handy function provided by the strings package is strings.Fields. This function splits a string into substrings based on whitespace characters, such as spaces and tabs.

    package main

    import (

    func main() {
        input := "Hello    world,    Golang"
        substrings := strings.Fields(input)
        for _, s := range substrings {

Splitting with strings.SplitN for Limited Splits

In scenarios where you need to limit the number of splits, strings.SplitN comes to the rescue. This function takes an extra parameter specifying the maximum number of splits to perform.

package main

    import (

    func main() {
        input := "one, two, three, four, five"
        delimiter := ","
        limit := 3
        substrings := strings.SplitN(input, delimiter, limit)
        for _, s := range substrings {

Advanced String Splitting Techniques

Using Regular Expressions for Flexible Splitting

Golang empowers you to split strings using regular expressions through the regexp package. This provides unparalleled flexibility in defining custom splitting patterns.

    package main

    import (

    func main() {
        input := "apple+banana|grape=orange"
        pattern := "[+|=]"
        re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
        substrings := re.Split(input, -1)
        for _, s := range substrings {

Splitting and Filtering Empty Substrings

Sometimes, you may encounter situations where consecutive delimiters result in empty substrings. You can efficiently eliminate these empty substrings using the strings.Split function along with a filter.

    package main

    import (

    func main() {
        input := "apple,,banana,,grape,,orange"
        delimiter := ","
        substrings := strings.FieldsFunc(input, func(r rune) bool {
            return r == ',' // Filter out empty substrings
        for _, s := range substrings {