Parsing JSON with Unix tools?

Bash and shell script variable capitalization?

There are a few Unix tools that can be used to parse JSON data from the command line:

  1. jq: This is a lightweight and flexible JSON processor that can be used to read, filter, and transform JSON data. It can be used to extract specific data from a JSON file based on criteria such as keys, values or arrays.

Here's an example:

# Parse JSON file with jq and get specific key's value
jq '.key_name' example.json
  1. jsawk: This is a tool similar to awk but for JSON data. It can be used to manipulate and extract data from JSON files as well.

Here's an example:

# Parse JSON file with jsawk and get specific key's value
cat example.json | jsawk 'return this.key_name'
  1. jgrep: This tool can be used to filter JSON data based on a specific property.

Here's an example:

# Parse JSON data with jgrep and filter based on key-value
jgrep 'key_name' example.json

All these tools can be used to parse and manipulate JSON data from Unix shell scripts or the command line. They come in handy when performing small to large-scale data manipulation and extraction tasks.

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