15 Questions Asked in Go Interview

Go: Interview Questions

  1. What is Go, and why was it created?

Go is an open-source programming language developed by Google in 2007. It was designed to be efficient, easy to read and write, and to enable faster development of large-scale software.

  1. What are the advantages of using Go over other programming languages?

Some of the advantages of using Go are its simplicity, fast compile times, built-in concurrency features, and strong support for network programming. Go's syntax is easy to read and write, which makes it ideal for rapid development.

  1. What are goroutines?

Goroutines are lightweight threads of execution in Go that allow multiple functions to be executed concurrently. They are created using the go keyword and are managed by the Go runtime.

  1. How do you handle errors in Go?

In Go, errors are treated as values that can be returned from a function. You can use the if err != nil statement to check for errors and handle them appropriately.

  1. What is a defer statement in Go?

A defer statement in Go is used to delay the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns. Defer statements are often used to ensure that resources are released or to make sure that a function's side effects are executed even if the function encounters an error.

  1. What is a channel in Go?

A channel in Go is a construct used to enable communication and synchronization between goroutines. Channels can be used to send and receive data, and they are designed to be thread-safe.

  1. How does garbage collection work in Go?

Go uses a concurrent garbage collector that runs in the background and frees up memory that is no longer being used. The garbage collector periodically scans the heap for unused memory and reclaims it.

  1. What is the difference between a pointer and a value in Go?

In Go, a pointer is a reference to a memory location where a value is stored. Pointers are used to pass values by reference, which can improve performance and reduce memory usage. Values, on the other hand, are the actual data that is stored in memory.

  1. What is a slice in Go?

A slice in Go is a dynamically-sized, reference to an array. Slices are used to manipulate collections of data, and they can be resized as needed.

  1. What is the difference between a slice and an array in Go?

Arrays in Go have a fixed size that is determined at compile time, whereas slices are dynamically sized and can be resized at runtime.

  1. What is a map in Go?

A map in Go is a built-in data structure that stores key-value pairs. Maps are used to associate values with keys, and they can be used to implement data structures like hash tables.

  1. What is the difference between a struct and a map in Go?

Structs are used to define custom data types in Go, whereas maps are used to associate values with keys. Structs are used to group related data together, while maps are used to implement associative arrays.

  1. What are interfaces in Go?

Interfaces in Go are used to define a set of method signatures that a type must implement to satisfy the interface. Interfaces enable polymorphism in Go, which allows different types to be used interchangeably.

  1. What is a package in Go?

A package in Go is a collection of related Go files that are compiled together. Packages can be imported and used in other Go programs, and they are used to organize and modularize code.

  1. What is the difference between a package and a library in Go?

A package in Go is a collection of related Go files that are compiled together, whereas a library is a collection of packages that can be used in other programs.

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